CO-parenting REstructuring (CORE)
“At the CORE of every good parent is a good co-parent”
Brief Description
CORE ℠ is a series of four meetings (plus homework) facilitated by a coach designed to help co-parents restructure their relationship after divorce or separation. These meetings aim to help parents create a foundation, or a core, to their co-parenting relationship by teaching basic concepts that parents can expand upon to create their own co-parenting practices. Parents are required to attend the meetings together and are encouraged to attend early in the separation/divorce process.
Week 1: The effects of conflict on children, establishing your goals for your children and co-parenting relationship
Week 2: Establishing effective communication and negotiation patterns unique to your co-parenting relationship
Week 3: Structuring interactions with one another (transitions, child events, etc)
Week 4: Identifying support to keep you out of court
CORE is $550.00 per parent. Each meeting is approximately one hour and includes about 15-20 minutes of homework each week. Parents are required to attend together, either in-person or on zoom. If through zoom, parents must have their camera and microphone on. If there is an active restraining order between the parents, the restraining order will need to be modified to allow 1) electronic communication between the co-parents and 2) zoom meetings.
If you are interested in enrolling in our CORE program, please click the below button to download our referral form.
Please contact Jacqueline Cafaro at jacqueline@sdfsmass.com if you have any questions or would prefer a referral form emailed to you directly.